Justin Bieber Trends

Trends for 2/13/12
1.) "Justin is Our Valentine"
2.) "Justin Bieber is Perfectly Perfect"
3.) "Shawty Mane Is Our Rap King"
4.) "Jason McCann Is Badass"
5.) " #MrsBieber"
6.) " Justin is Our Teenage Dream"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Justin to do a song with Far East Movement

Hey Beliebers! more news on new songs! Justin is said to be doing a song with Far East Movement, this will for sure be great! Read the article here, and watch the video!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Justin Spends Time With Mrs Bieber

on 2/13/12 Justin flew out to meet Alvanna, a little girl suffering from cancer. He spent time with her and did puzzles and things. He also tweeted these two tweets, calling her "Mrs.Bieber" in both tweets!
Here are a few pictures of Justin spending time with Alvanna!

Lucky Alvanna! Hope she gets better!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Justin Bieber's Home In Stratford

So, a few posts below, I showed you Justin's house in LA, the one he bought for his mom. Now here's his house in Stratford, as seen on "Never Say Never"
and here is a photo of Selena leaving his stratford house (you can see the front door in the corner)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Exclusive Images of Justin's Home!

The outside:

tennis court:

 in-home movie theatre:
 comfort area:

kitchen/dining area:

 indoor jacuzzi/hotspring:

Drake to be on "Believe"

Okay so it's basically official... Drake is going to be featured in "Believe" ! Justin tweeted the following:
and then, this photo was released yesterday...
get excited! i know i am!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Justin Bieber and lil Wayne to do a song?

It's been rumored that Justin and Lil Wayne will be doing a song for "Believe"Wouldn't it be awesome if they did a song together!?Justin recently tweeted:

New Justin Bieber Proactive Commercial

If you haven't already seen it, Justin Bieber did a new proactive commercial!!!!!
I saw this commercial on Teen Nick, but i'm sure its on MTV and other channels as well... He's adorable... i love it! Heres the first proactive commercial he did:
Here's the newest proactive commercial from Justin Bieber!